Selasa, 26 November 2013

Paradigma !

Bonjour !
Selamat pagi ! Hari telah berganti dengan sangat cepat dan selalu bergerak di luar perkiraan..

Gumpalan-gumpalan awan bergemuruh di luasnya alam Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mereka bergerak tidak beraturan mengikuti arah angin yang membawa mereka mengembara. Angin membawa mereka dan menjadikan mereka saling bertindih dan menumpuk hingga terus ke atas hingga mencapai atmosfer yang memiliki suhu lebih dingin sehingga membentuk butiran-butiran curahan air. Butiran-butiran air tersebut semakin berat dan akhirnya sang angin tidak mampu untuk menopangnya lagi sehingga butiran air jatuh dengan indah ke permukaan bumi. Rumput-rumput berteriak kegirangan menyambut air yang menurut mereka datang dari surga. Namun, mereka cukup sedih karena tidak bisa bercengkerama dengan pujaan hati mereka, sang matahari :(

Terlepas dari cerita rumput tersebut, nampak dua orang perawakan anak muda bersiap untuk memulai hari mereka dengan mendobrak pintu dengan semangatnya. Namun tetap dengan cara yang elegan. Pagi itu, mereka siap untuk mengikuti rehearsal sebelum melakukan performance pada malam harinya. Mereka dan teman-temannya diundang untuk mengisi sebuah acara seni. Luar biasa !! Seperti biasa, mereka berdua berpakaian warmly mengingat dinginnya cuaca. Namun, kali ini awan mendung dengan gembira bersorak-sorai di luasnya hamparan lautan langit. Merengek-rengek untuk segera menumpahkan curahan hati mereka yang terdalam. Ada-ada saja mereka.

Kedua anak muda itu pun menerobos derunya angin yang menerpa tubuh mereka. Salah satu anak muda yang berperawakan agak kurus merasa hatinya diombang ambing oleh angin hingga membuat tubuhnya serasa bergetar tak mampu untuk tetap mempertahankan posisinya. Sedangkan anak muda yang satunya berlari untuk mengelak terpaan tajamnya pisau angin yang merajalela di muka bumi saat itu.

Akhirnya sampailah kedua anak muda tersebut di tempat perhentian bis. Mereka merasa lega setelah melewati ranjau udara yang sangat mencekam. Rintik-rintik air mulai jatuh dari langit membasahi permukaan bumi. Enam menit berlalu, akhirnya bis yang mereka nantikan sampai juga. Terlihat senyuman kecil di wajah mereka berdua melihat kedatangan bis bak kedatangan tamu istimewa dari langit. Tak lama mereka menikmati nikmatnya duduk di pangkuan bis, hujan mulai turun lumayan deras. "Oh God, I forget to bring my umbrella", kata salah satu anak muda yang berperawakan kurus. Namun salah satu anak muda lainnya hanya diam saja seribu tanpa bahasa. Akhirnya, mereka sampai di perhentian bis dan siap untuk melanjutkan perjalanan ke tempat tujuan. Tapi, bagaimana bisa mereka sampai tepat waktu kalau hujan turun lumayan deras.

"I have to find a place to cover myself from this rain", gumam anak muda yang berperawakan kurus tersebut dalam hati. Namun, dia mengernyitkan dahi ketika mereka tetap saja menerobos ranjau yang membuat semua hal yang melekat di tubuh mereka basah semua.

Singkat kata, mereka berdua berasal dari dua negara yang sangat jauh berbeda bagaikan hitam dan putih. Apa yang terjadi di negara salah satu anak muda tersebut adalah biasanya mereka akan mencari tempat untuk berteduh ketika hujan turun dan menunggu sampai hujan reda. Namun dia tidak mengerti kenapa orang-orang terus berjalan di kerumunan air termasuk temannya.

Dengan rasa penasaran dia pun bertanya, "I didn't see anyone covered themselves from the rain and they kept going on. Why?". Temannya pun dengan santai menjawab, "It's because they already known it would be raining today from the forecast and that's why they dressed for rainy day. Besides that, they didn't want to come late. There's no reasons to come late except the weather is really bad". Anak muda yang satunya pun merasa begitu tangguhnya pemikiran mereka bahwa hujan bukan alasan untuk datang terlambat. Bak pepatah yang mengatakan "sedia payung sebelum hujan" dan mereka benar-benar menerapkan hal itu meskipun tidak semua dari mereka melakukan itu.
Setidaknya kita harus memprioritaskan apa yang menjadi prioritas utama kita. :))

Kamis, 14 November 2013

Tonight's lecture at Dalhousie University about Politics !

Good evening friends,
Tonight I attended a lecture at Ondaatje Auditorium, McCain building, 6135 University Avenue. The topic is about “Political Process Sustainability: The Roles of Government”. A not-to-be-missed conversation with Federal NDP Member of Parliament, Megan Leslie, Graham Steele (NDP MLA for Halifax-Fairview) and District 8 Peninsula North City Councilor Jennifer Watts. The lecture is moderated by Steven Mannell, Director, College of Sustainability.
So, I made some reviews from Graham’s presentation because I found it interesting to know. Here they are.
Title : Making things happen (including sustainability)
By : Graham Steele
Preface : Do we really understand how things happen in government?

The province is easiest to influence
1.      The provincial civil service is small and concentrated in one place.
2.      There is not as much corporate lobbying as there is at the federal level.
3.      Political decision making is so coordinated by political parties.
4.      The provincial government is constitutionally sovereign.

The legislature is only one small part of how government works
a.       Laws.
b.      Regulations.
c.       Policy.
d.      Enforcement.
e.       Budgets.
f.       Funding.
g.      Forbearance.
h.      Tribunals.

What doesn’t work (much..)
a.       Street marches n demonstrations.
b.      Confrontation.
c.       One-off / once a year meeting.
d.      Petitions.
e.       Ideas that don’t acknowledge the facts.
f.       Ideas that don’t acknowledge competing priorities.
g.      Ideas that don’t acknowledge government policy.

Here are 7 keys to successful government relations
a.       Know your business and its key success factors.
b.      Know government – federal, provincial, municipal – how governments make policy-laws, regulations, programs relevant to your business.
c.       Build relationships at all levels.
d.      Be a resource for government – be helpful.
e.       Be active – involved.
f.       When advocating, match your needs with government priorities.
g.      Find allies when you can.

Making sustainability happen
a.       Follow Bob's rules. They are the fruit of a lifetime of (successful and effective) government relations.
b.      Its hard work. There are no reliable shortcuts.
c.       Its long term work. Don’t give up. Be persistent.

Conclusion: The people who get what they want from government is the people who don’t give up!

 Graham is presenting about 7 keys to successful government relations

Hopefully the reviews above will be useful! :)

The kindness of Coffee, Tea, and Sea

This story is available on CWY Logbook Halifax-Depok too :)

During our staying in Eastern Passage, Simon and I found a beautiful place to visit to. It is Fisherman's Cove. Founded in 1996, Fisherman’s Cove Development Association is a non-profit and volunteer run organization with the goal of promoting the cultural heritage of Eastern Passage and other ecotourism initiatives. Fisherman's Cove is both frozen in time and constantly evolving. Nestled in a centuries old fishing community, they are also home to a unique collection of gift shops, museums and art galleries, delicious restaurants, coffee and bake shops, ice-cream canteens and fish n' chip shacks. My alumnae from last two years ago told me to visit one of shops in Fisherman's Cove which is "Coffee, Tea, and Sea". It is located at 18 Government Wharf, Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia B3G 1M7. She told me that I would find some Indonesian dishes there. So, Simon and I decided to visit Coffee, Tea, and Sea in the second week of our staying in Eastern Passage.

 Fisherman's Cove Eastern Passage

What make Coffee, Tea, and Sea so special? I personally found it a surprised when I figured out the owner of The Coffee, Tea, and Sea was a married couple from Indonesia. Both of them came from Surabaya, East Java. I thought the owner was a local people who have interested in Asian foods. They served some Indonesian dishes such as Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice), Rendang (Made from Beef), and Soto (Beef or Chicken Soup). It brought me to the homesickness of Indonesian food in our first visiting. Without any doubt I ordered Nasi Goreng, my counterpart did it too. We really enjoyed the Nasi Goreng. It was delicious. The happiest moment was when Bianca (the owner) offered us a handmade sambal (ketchup). We really enjoyed the meal that day ! I felt like at home.
Besides cafe, Bianca and her husband also had a small gift shop. So, there were two rooms in one building. One for cafe and the other one for gift shop. I found it so interesting when they attracted the visitors by enjoying the meals while shopping for some souvenirs. I also loved the community there. They were so kind to us.

Both Bianca and her husband, Johannes were really welcoming us. They were so happy the volunteers from Canada World Youth could visit them again this year. They also introduced us to their friends at the cafe. After took a sit, I had a really interesting conversation with them. Starts from the condition of Indonesia nowadays until the story behind their migration to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. They have been through the hardest path in their life. But, they were so happy could find a place to stay in Halifax and also had a cafe in Eastern Passage now. After had an interesting conversation, Bianca told me that there would be an open mic on the second of November and we were invited to give a cultural performance there. Of course, that was a good news for us. But we needed to ask our group' members for the confirmation. Finally we had to leave from Coffee, Tea, and Sea. But before we left, Johannes and his friend played a song by guitar. I and my counterpart really enjoyed the song at that moment. The kindness of Coffee, Tea, and Sea.

Coffee, Tea, and Sea (Fisherman's Cove, Eastern Passage)

So, finally all of us agreed to do some performances for open mic at Coffee, Tea, and Sea on the second of November. That was the first performance for us in public.  We performed Saman Dance which is traditional dance from Aceh and we also sang Indonesian medley song which is combination some folk songs from Indonesia. There were so many people there and we also met some musicians there. They were so talented. They performed guitar, violin, and harmonica. We were so proud could take a part in this open mic. We really enjoyed the performances from another musicians and also the meals. My Indonesian's friends were so excited about the Indonesian foods there. I was so happy that we could taste Indonesian foods together. That night was the most enjoyable night especially for Indonesian participants because we all felt like at home. I was also happy some of our host families attended the open mic and watched our performances. We left the place happily.

When we sang Indonesian medley song

Saman dance with Canadians

What I learned from the community at Coffee, Tea, and Sea were their kindness and warm-hearted. I love Coffee, Tea, and Sea personally. I am recommending Coffee, Tea, and Sea as a must visiting place in Eastern Passage. :)

Coffee, Tea, and Sea :)

Jumat, 08 November 2013

Volunteer Work Placement - Canada World Youth

Hello guys,
This week I would like to share another activities that I did in the second week of my work placement..

On Tuesday 29th Oct 2013, I started working again in the second week of my work placement. On last Tuesday I was not at Wonder'neath Studio, but I was at Chocolate Lake Recreation Centre (14 Purcell's Cove Road, Halifax), another studio (Yihaaa). It was quite far tho! But I was still excited to working at that day.

What did I do on last Tuesday??? I should tell ya, it was amazing and productive day! So, I worked with two girls, also Heather. These two girls suffered down syndrome. Let me tell you more about down syndrome. Down syndrome (DS) or Down's syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome is the most common chromosome abnormality in humans. The CDC estimates that about one of every 691 babies born in the United States each year is born with Down syndrome. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, a particular set of facial characteristics and a severe degree of intellectual disability. The average full-scale IQ of young adults with Down syndrome is around 50 (70 and below is defined as the cut-off for intellectual disability), whereas young adult controls have an average IQ of 100.

Many children with Down syndrome are educated in regular school classes while others require specialized educational facilities. Some children graduate from high school, and, in the US, there are increasing opportunities for participating in post-secondary education. Education and proper care has been shown to improve quality of life significantly. Many adults with Down syndrome are able to work at paid employment in the community, while others require a more sheltered work environment.

Down syndrome is named after John Langdon Down, the British physician who described the syndrome in 1866. The condition was clinically described earlier by Jean Etienne Dominique Esquirol in 1838 and Edouard Seguin in 1844. Down syndrome was identified as a chromosome 21 trisomy by Dr. Jerome Lejeune in 1959. Down syndrome can be identified in a newborn by direct observation or in a fetus by prenatal screening. Pregnancies with this diagnosis are often terminated.

For me both of them are amazing, they have a magic in their hands. For your information, one of those girls has published her own art's book. She is a talented artist in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada!

Okay, let's move on and talk about our activities. So, I and my counterpart, made some cards that designed by Team Possibles. What is Time Possibles?? Since 2007, Team Possibles art program has run through the Halifax Nova Scotia Down Syndrome Society. It is designed for youth to adults (12-30). It is staffed by professional artists and art educators, guest artists, and a host of student volunteers from Dal, MSVU, SMU, and NSCAD. Team possibles' many partnerships and projects can be found at Visit that link guys :)
What I did was just put the pictures on the card and then wrapped it. There were so many pictures that sketched by the children who suffered down syndrome. Those pictures were so nice and beautiful :). Team Possibles will sell the cards as a fundraising. **PERFECT for me**

Here are the pictures of the cards

After finishing the cards, we did needle felting. Sounds weird eh! So, needle felting is a popular fibre arts craft that creates felt without the use of water. Special needles that are used in industrial felting machines are used by the artist as a sculpting tool. Great eh! So, we need a medium to do felting and Heather gave me a flower's shape. When I started to do felting, I was so frustrated. Heather made it so easy to do felting, but the fact wasn't ! It was so hard to do felting tho! Step by step and also keep this mind to stay positive finally I finished it. I felt so relieve to finish this felting. SO RELIEVE. Hehehee..

I finished my work for today !

Time to have a big family dinner. So, there's a tradition in my host fam, every Tuesday, we will have a big family dinner. It was so fun and joyful. As usual, my host grandma cooked us a supper. They were delicious as always :) After had a delicious supper, we had a birthday celebration of grandma and Simon (my counterpart). Actually Simon's birthday is on Halloween, but my host parents wouldn't be home on Halloween, so they decided to celebrate my counterpart's birthday together with my host grandma's birthday. We had a very yummy birthday cake after the supper. We also did another activities which were really weird and funny. What were those things?? Those were supposed to be secret :)

That's all my story, how about you guys?

Have a good day :D

#Kepulauan Riau
#Canada World Youth ( Halifax-Depok )